Life is beautiful :)

Hey Hye , Nice right ? :) Even bunga nii tumbuh kat semak-semak tapii still it seen beautiful to me . Yeah , "Life is beautiful , dear" if we know how to appreciate it and always thanks to The Almighty .

There comes a time in life when u've to accept & move on,hope & never look back,smile & forget the pain and most :')

Sepanjang perjalanan hidup ini yayah percaya , anda semua pasti pernah merasai , pahit , manis , suka , duka , tawa , sedih , semuanya kita rasai . Semua inilah yang akan menguatkan dan mematangkan kita untuk jadi lebih dewasa . Percayalah , Allah itu Maha Adil , Maha Mengetahui . He knows the best , dear . Always remember Him because He'll always be with you wherever you are . Coz, HE promise HE will always be there To bless us with HIS love and HIS mercy .

Don't ever ever GIVEUP , dear !

Last from yayah , Life will never provide warranties & guarantees It can only provide POSSIBILITIES & OPPORTUNITIES.

Thank you for reading , dear ;]

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